Medium-Term Management Plan 23-25

SHOWA's declaration
Toward the 90th Anniversary, and beyond

Group Employees' New Resolution


SHOWA's declaration "SHIN-KA" Toward the 90th Anniversary, and beyond

While progressing with our corporate mission:To provide a stable supply of secured and safe foods, we will "SHIN-KA" to further grow toward the 90th anniversary of our founding in fiscal 2025.

Grains: We will materialize the "evolution" of our Grain Solution
Health: We will pursue "intrinsic value" of ingredients and contribute to people's health
Sustainable: We will challenge to "deepen" our sustainability management



We will tackle these materialities by implementing our key strategies to achieve sustainable increase of our corporate value.

  1. Supply safe, secure, and high-quality foods
  2. Contribute to consumers' health and diversifying needs
  3. Consideration for the environment
  4. Utilization of human capital
  5. Harmonious association with local communities
  6. Cooperation with stakeholders in our supply chains
  7. Enhance credibility with our stakeholders

Achieving our mission and sustainable increase of our corporate value

Five Key Strategies


We will achieve sustainable growth by implementing two key strategies, "Strengthening our Core Businesses" and "Expansion of our Business Fields", which are supported by each of three essential strategies, "Reducing Burden on the Environment", "Rebuilding our Platform" and "Enforcing Stakeholder Engagement"

Financial KPIs

*1:Gain on sale of non-current assets, approx. 5.2 billion yen, recorded to extraordinary income
ROIC: Improve business portfolio management by establishing business evaluation methods and rules for allocating management resources
CCC: Promote cash flow management by identifying factors to be improved and reducing CCC by 7 days

Effects of Priority Measures on Ordinary Profit

We take the following measures to increase our profits.

  1. Strengthen Our Core Businesses:
    • Expansion of value-added products sales by differentiation strategy
    • Strengthening cooperation among group companies, etc.
  2. Expansion of Our Business Fields:
    • Expansion of overseas businesses,
    • Expansion of frozen food businesses, etc.

We also expect the recovery of business environment (i.e. recovery of sales volume) and adjust sales prices to pass-through our costs to optimal levels.

First Ever Drastic Reorganization Since Our Foundation

Evolution of our "Grain Solution"

Pursue utmost business synergies, the source of our Group's strength.


We will transform our sales departments from "product-out" to "one-stop" sales models and provide numerous solutions to our customers by utilizing our varied business portfolio.

Expanding businesses by combining whole group companies' efforts

Expanding Cooperation Among Group Companies


Maximize group synergies in each value chain
- Research and development ⇒ raw material procurement ⇒ production ⇒ sales

Capture growing demand overseas and build new earnings base

Expansion of Overseas Business


Entering into new business fields such as frozen foods and plant-based foods, in addition to strengthening and expanding existing businesses

Promote new businesses as a foundation for future earnings

Challenge to New Businesses


We will capture the growing demand of PBF, and take on the fine chemicals businesses (such as health foods and cosmetics) and oleochemical businesses by utilizing by-products

Maximize our strength as the No.1 grainshandling volume company among food manufacturers

*Based on our survey

Reinforcing stable raw materials procurement


As a "Grain Solution Company", we further enhance stable procurement of raw material grains and energies to process these materials.
As the company with the largest grains silos capacity among domestic food manufacturers, we contribute to stable food supply in Japan by properly reserving raw materials at our silos.

Achieve the longer-term "Showa Sangyo Group Environmental Targets"

Reducing Burden on the Environment


The deterioration of the global environment poses a major risk to the Group's procurement of grains.
Therefore, we set the reduction of burden on environment as one of the Group's materialities.
We newly added a reduction target for plastic usage to accelerate our environmental initiatives and achieve the longer-term "Showa Sangyo Group Environmental Targets"

Achieving sustainable growth of our employeeswho are the most important management capital

Human Capital Management


Human capital is the most important management capital for achieving sustainable growth.
We continuously make strategic investments in human capital.
We activate human resources to the maximum degree for our sustainable growth and employees' well-being.

  1. Drastic promotion of D&I
  2. Strategic investment in human capital
  3. Improvement of employee engagement

To further enhance value for our stakeholders

Enforcing Stakeholder Engagement


Increase transparency and earn trust from stakeholders by disclosing information appropriately.
Promoting two-way communication to meet stakeholders' expectations and requests.

Non-Financial KPIs for Corporate Value Increase

Non-Financial KPIs


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